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Thursday, January 8, 2009


This week is the start of school after holidays (Hanukkah if you are Juice and Christmas if you be t3h Christianz!). For those in high school, it means a continuation of a term, but for the post-secondary suckers, it means a new semester. 

I like the new semester for a variety of reasons.
1. You get to see, for the first time, who is in your class. It could hold your future best friend or closee-to-future worst enemy (I make those FAST!!). The icky Flutterfly feeling in your tummy FINALLY disappears. Yay!
2. The first class is the most repetitive. You can never go wrong. 
3. You can see how your life will be for the next four months.
4. There is no fourth reason.

I am taking a class with a teacher I have had before. Truth be told, she is difficult to listen to, look at and approach. 

I have but one word for her: expression. This is something she does not consider when using her voice. It not only drives me to suicidal thoughts, but would rather any other torture than this. She tends to attempt to make jokes which really are not bad. I am sure she is a good person.

She really looks like a good person. I'm sure she has a husband, some kids and a nice house. She could very well help the poor, adopt a pet and  eat vegetables. She is not ugly, but she isn't hot either. The reason I say she is hard to look at is not for physical appearance, but the type of glare she tends to give when she looks at you (and she has AMAZING eye contact - it is as if she is looking at everyone at the same time... in their eyes!!). She looks down on students. Sure she is a doctor. Sure she is a hard marker. Sure she teaches the required classes. She has us by the balls.

With the monotoned way she talks and the look of death, it shouldn't be surprising that approaching her is difficult to do. Her thought is linear and she does not seem open to abstract thought. She is, however, quite intelligent though. She is the type to make a person a good writer technically, but emotionally suicidal. The last class I had with her, she nearly failed me because of my idea. I was supposed to write about friendship, but the idea of being friends with parents and having different types of friendship did not, apparently, meet her requirements.  She did not believe there could be friendship with parents and such. I would have very well appealed the mark had I been confident enough, but because of her condensending way of making me feel utterly stupid, I could not. 

Why am I taking this class then? I love the subject. I don't want to hinder my interests because of a hard marker. She is not discriminatory. She is linear in thinking. I want to learn and be better and if she can offer that to me, then I will set my risk of a GPA downfall to the side and do what I am passionate about. I understand this is definitely a Western point of view, but my nationality is Canadian even though I am Chinese Singaporean. Wish me luck.

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