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Eff you AEIOU and Y.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
I fucked up so hard
Today, July 4th, is the anniversary of my abortion as a result of rape. I like to think that it shaped me into a caring and better person, but I honestly don't think it did. My pain was all in vain. Funny how that works.
Do you have a bandaid? Because I keep scraping my knee falling for you!!
I know a place we can go that’ll be just the two of us: Darnassus.
I think my heart just lagged.
I'm a raindrop and I'm falling for you!!
If you were a booger, I'd pick you first!
If you’re looking for an Epic Mount I’m much cheaper than 900g
That shirt is very becoming on you, although if I were on you. I'd be coming too!!
That’s my heart you rolled on, baby, and it’s Bind on Pickup.
You are like cheese... I LIKE CHEESE!!
Your presence innervates my soul.
My "Pop" lines
I didn't know Dr Pepper was so spicy!
I'll pop your Cherry Cola if you promise to share your Cream Soda!
Now I understand why it is called 7UP!
"I scream Bitch."
"Translated: This would be a mana break... but for a kittie!!"
"Rogues do it from behind. They never look up."
"Kris Kringle Kat"
"1 Down, 1 To Go"
What should I talk about?
The very bad jokes of WoW.
So, here I have gathered what seems to be like a dorkfest on your moniter. If your mother were to catch you reading things such as this, then you'd better have the CTRL+ALT+DEL ready as you SHOULD KNOW... those who indulge in the world of Mac do not quite understand... well... anything. Anyways, so I'll start then...
1a. What do you get when you put an Undead in for a bath?
1b. Soup! Yumyum, omfg.
2a. Why didn't the Undead cross the walk with t3h chicken?
2b. pfft... He didn't have the guts. Oh gawd.
3a. Paladins.
3b. lawlz.
4a. What did the warrior say to the mage?
4b. pffft mage is dead.
4c. warriors are gay, hence, so is this joke.
4d. Not gay like "oooh I'm cool"-gay, but "I take it in the butt and suck on the blood that comes out"-gay.
4e. And mages are strong.
4f. They pwn me sometimes. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.
5a. Yo mommaz so fat, it takes TWO locks to summon her!
6a. N00b and Rogue... what is common about the both?
6b. They both end up picking locks!
6c. lol I hate locks.
7a. [Track Beasts]
7b. Sorry, that's your mom?
8a. Yo mommaz so fat, t3h mages had to A. grease their portal holes and B. summon ONOMNOMCINNAMONROLLZ on the other side just to get her through.
9a. Why did the Paladin cross the walk?
9b. The chicken was kiting him!
10a. "DING!!"
10b. "GRATZ"
10c. "... that was the mircowave you asshole"
All right, so I have graced you with lots of the jokes that are NOT just replaced in respects of WoW names/classes/etc... but ones that refer TO it. Chances are, you know them. If you have no idea what I am talking about, then maybe my very opinionated views on fashion might interest you. Of course, if you had no idea what I said, then you would not have read this far. If you did... I do not know what to say. You're weird. Peace out.
Things you should know!!
A cat's urine glows under a black light!!
A person would have to drink more than 12 cups of hot cocoa to equal the amount of caffeine found in one cup of coffee!!
A single chocolate chip gives enough energy to a human being to walk 150 feet!!
Coffee has about five times the amount of caffeine as a can of Coke!!
Colonel Sanders original white suit was auctioned off for $80,000 in February 2002!!
Decaffeinated coffee is not 100% caffeine free. When coffee is being decaffeinated, 2% of the caffeine still remains in it!!
During World War II, Kit Kat was unavailable due to milk shortages, so the chocolate bar was made without milk!!
Seniors who drink a cup of coffee before a memory test score higher than those who drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee!!
Some lions mate over 50 times a day!!
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes (chloroform is a better tool!)!!
The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing!!
The original story from "Tales of 1001 Arabian Nights" begins, "Aladdin was a little Chinese boy." !!
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar!!
There were no red colored M&Ms from 1976 to 1987!!
Tomatos were once referred to as "love apples." This is because their was a superstition that people would fall in love by eating them!!
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