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Monday, April 27, 2009

Tomato Juice

Do you really believe tomatoes can fight cancer? What if I have cancer?

Three days ago, I developed a case of food poisoning. I do not believe I will ever ever ever return to that restaurant again. The peculiar thing about this though was the fact it acted so quickly.

It was fucking painful.
It was horrid.
I kept thinking, what if I do have cancer? Then what?

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I was speaking with someone about "being free". Personally, I feel I was most free-spirited when I was in high school. I could dress how I wanted. Now, I have to look older and more professional. I understand why, but I highly dislike being caged in this look that society wants me to be. High school was a time for exploration and finding yourself, but as soon as I left, I had to change everything. I loved my style, though it might have been harmful to myself.

I am sick of not being allowed to wear thirty bracelets at one time, or wearing dresses+pants together. I hate that I cant wear my detached pants, or bondage clothing anymore. Looking back, I had created one of the only ways I could express my feelings and now, even though I live by myself, I feel more trapped than ever. Isn't it funny how it works out like that? Well... I don't think it is funny at all. I think it is bullshit. I want to go back. I wish I didn't give it all away. I want my childhood back.